No Conviction for young woman in dire financial situation

Our client was arrested on a Saturday night in Coogee, NSW and charged with Supply Prohibited Drug and Dealing with Proceed of Crime. Here's how we helped her.

No Conviction for young woman in dire financial situation
  • Date of incident

    Date of Charge

    November 2022
  • Date of settlement

    Date of Sentence/hearing

    March 2023
  • Outcome

    No Conviction & Good Behaviour Bond

Our client was arrested on a Saturday night at Coogee, NSW.

She was charged with:

  1. Supply Prohibited Drug, namely 6.7grams of Cocaine
  2. Deal with Proceeds of Crime in the amount of $1750

Our client was a young female who had found herself in a dire financial situation.

Coming from a low socioeconomic background, she was struggling to pay bills and was convinced by peers to sell prohibited drugs one night.

Officers from NSW Police had observed individuals provide cash through the drivers side window of our client, in return for Cocaine.

Our client was subsequently charged with the above offences and bail refused to appear at the Downing Centre Local Court where our firm appeared for a release application.

Bail was granted with minimal conditions.

Utilising our clients age, financial statements outlining low socioeconomic background, subjective circumstances revolving her family and an early plea of Guilty, we managed to achieve an excellent result of No Conviction in accordance with Section 9 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999, placing her on an 18month Good Behaviour Bond.