Drug Offence Lawyers: Legal Defence For Your Drug Charges

Facing a drug offence charge? Let our team of expert criminal lawyers guide you through the process, provide you with the advice you need, and take the lead in your legal defence.

Facing a drug charge can be an overwhelming and daunting experience. But with the right assistance, you can overcome these charges and move forward. Here at State Law Group, we specialise in criminal law, helping countless clients defend and beat their drug cases to achieve favourable outcomes.

If you've recently been charged with a drug offence, and want to fight the charge or simply seek legal advice, you’re in the right place. From minor drug possession charges to serious drug importation allegations, this information aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your legal representation.

What does a drug offence lawyer do?

A criminal lawyer specialised in drug cases provides legal representation for individuals facing drug-related charges, utilising their deep understanding of the law to safeguard clients' rights. For example, they may strategically challenge the legality of a police search that led to the discovery of illicit substances, potentially turning the tide of the case in the client's favour.

Common drug charges and penalties

In New South Wales, drug-related offences are taken very seriously and the penalties can be quite severe. Depending on the quantity, a person might be charged with: Possession at small quantities or supply at large commercial quantities. The Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substances Act also contains offences relating to: The possession of items that are used in the cultivation or manufacture of illegal drugs. Here are some of the most common drug offences and their associated penalties:

1.Prohibited drug possession

This is one of the most common drug offences. A person can be found guilty of possession if they have a prohibited drug in their control or custody. For instance, a person may be charged with this offence if they are found with marijuana in their bag during a random police search. The maximum penalty for drug possession is 2 years' imprisonment and/or a $2,200 fine.

The Supreme Court has held that in order to prove that you were in possession of a drug found, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you had knowledge of it (mental element), that you had control or custody of it (physical element), and that you had the intention to possess or control it.

2.Drug use

This offence involves consuming or using an illicit substance. An example could be someone caught smoking cannabis at a music festival. This offence attracts similar penalties to possession.

3.Drug supply

Drug supply involves selling, distributing, or even just offering to provide a prohibited drug to another person or even friends. For example, a person selling ecstasy tablets at a nightclub could be charged with drug supply. Penalties vary depending on the quantity of drugs involved. For small quantities, the maximum penalty is 2 years' imprisonment and/or an $11,000 fine. For a large commercial quantity, penalties can go up to 15 years' imprisonment and/or a $220,000 fine in the District Court.

4.Drug importation

The importation of border controlled drugs into Australia is extremely serious and carries life imprisonment. Drug importation charges are broken down into categories depending on the quantity involved: less than a marketable quantity, marketable quantity, and commercial quantity.

5.Drug manufacture or cultivation

This offence involves producing a prohibited drug or cultivating a prohibited plant. An example could be someone cultivating cannabis plants in their backyard. The maximum penalty for indictable quantities of a prohibited drug or plant is $220,000 and/or imprisonment for 15 years.

6.Continuing criminal enterprise involving drugs

This offence applies to ongoing criminal activities involving the supply of a commercial quantity of prohibited drugs. For example, a person who operates a large-scale drug trafficking operation could be charged with this offence. The penalties for this offence are particularly harsh, reflecting its serious nature.

Remember, these are maximum penalties and actual sentences will depend on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the offence and the offender's criminal record. Always consult with a legal professional if you need advice about a drug-related offence.

Common defences used by drug lawyers

At State Law Group, our expert drug offence lawyers employ a range of legal strategies give clients the best defence when facing drug-related charges. Here are some of the most common tactics utilised:

1.Challenging the legality of the search and seizure

The law is clear about when and how a search can be conducted. If your lawyer can prove that law enforcement violated your rights during the search that led to the discovery of drugs, the evidence may be deemed inadmissible in court.

2.Questioning the actual possession

In drug cases, it's not enough for the prosecution to show that you were near the drugs. They must prove that you had control over the place where the drugs were found. If this ownership can be disputed, it may weaken the prosecution's case.

3.Disputing the nature of the substance

Just because a substance looks like an illegal drug doesn't mean it is one. Your lawyer could request a retest of the substance to ensure its validity.

4.Raising doubts about the chain of custody

The chain of custody refers to the path the evidence takes from the crime scene to the courtroom. If there's any break in this chain, the integrity of the evidence could be called into question.

5.Arguing for a lack of knowledge or intent

In certain cases, if it can be shown that you were unaware of the presence of the drugs or did not intend to use or distribute them, it may serve as a possible defence.

6.Asserting the 'duress' defence

If you were coerced or threatened into committing a drug offence, your lawyer might be able to argue that you acted under duress, which could potentially reduce your culpability.

7.Utilising the 'honest and reasonable mistake' defence

If you genuinely believed that what you were doing was legal, and your belief was reasonable under the circumstances, this defence could be employed.

Each of these defences has the potential to significantly impact the outcome of a defendant's case, and the experienced lawyers at State Law Group are adept at understanding which strategy will work best in each unique situation.

The benefits of hiring experienced drug lawyers for legal representation

At State Law Group, we firmly believe that having an experienced drug defence lawyer by your side can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Here are a few reasons why:

1.Expert knowledge of the law

Drug laws in Australia are complex and continually evolving. Seasoned drug defence lawyers stay updated with these changes and understands the intricacies of the law. For example, they know the difference between simple drug possession and a trafficking charge, and how to defend each.

2.Case evaluation and strategic guidance

Every legal case requires a unique strategy. Our lawyers provide strategic advice based on their understanding of legal complexities. For instance, they may argue lack of intent, challenge the legality of the search, or dispute the nature of the substance, depending on what best suits your case.

3.Negotiation skills

Plea bargaining can be a crucial part of the legal process. Skilled criminal lawyers are adept at negotiating with prosecutors to get charges reduced or even dismissed. They might, for instance, negotiate a plea deal where a severe trafficking charge is reduced to a lesser possession charge.

4.Courtroom experience

If your case proceeds to court, having a lawyer who is familiar with courtroom protocols and has a good rapport with judges and prosecutors can be invaluable. Our experienced defence lawyers know when to object, how to cross-examine witnesses effectively, and how to present arguments persuasively.

5.Guidance and support

Facing a drug charge with ripple effects into your professional or personal life can be emotionally draining. A dedicated lawyer not only provides legal assistance but also emotional support, guiding you through the process and helping you understand your rights and options.

6.Professional network

Our established lawyers have a wide network of professionals like private investigators or expert witnesses who can assist in strengthening your case. For example, a private investigator could locate witnesses who can offer testimony that might be beneficial to your defence.

7.Effective appeal strategies

If your case does not have a favourable outcome, our lawyers can help you to explore options for appeal. They understand the legal requirements needed for an appeal and are skilled at presenting evidence that supports your case.

8.Post-conviction assistance

Even after a criminal conviction, a lawyer's work isn't done. They can assist with appeals or advise on steps to expunge a criminal record, ensuring you get the support needed throughout the entire legal journey.

Hiring a lawyer experienced in drug cases from State Law Group can provide invaluable benefits if you're charged with a drug offence. Their expertise, strategic planning, and negotiation skills can significantly impact your case, potentially leading to reduced charges or even a complete dismissal.

When should I seek legal advice after being charged with a drug offence?

Facing a drug charge can be a daunting experience. It's crucial to understand when you should seek legal advice to ensure the best outcome for your case. Here are some key moments when consulting experienced drug lawyers is critical:

1.Immediately after arrest

As soon as you're arrested and charged with a drug offence, it's crucial to seek legal counsel. A lawyer can guide you through the arrest process, ensuring your rights are protected. For example, your right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination.

2.Before giving a statement to police

Before you provide any statement or answer any questions from law enforcement, it's essential to consult a lawyer. They can advise you on what to say to protect your interests, as any information you provide could be used against you in court.

3.When charged formally

If you're formally charged with drug offences, it's time to get legal advice. Drug defence lawyers can explain the charges and potential consequences, helping you understand the gravity of the situation.

4.Uncertainty about your rights

If you're unsure about your rights or how to respond to a charge, consulting a lawyer can provide clarity. For example,  they can help you understand the difference between a summary offence and an indictable one, so you know how to best approach the situation.

5.Deciding whether to plead guilty or not guilty

If your case proceeds to court, your lawyer can advise you on whether it's more advantageous to plead guilty or face trial. If there's enough evidence to prove your guilt, a lawyer may recommend that you accept a plea deal. If not, they can advise on how to build a defence strategy. They can also help negotiate a plea bargain on your behalf and help you understand the implications.

6.Exploring options for appeal

If the court proceedings don't end in your favour, criminal lawyers can help you explore options for appeal. They understand the legal requirements needed and know how to present evidence in support of your case.


Even after a conviction, a lawyer's work isn't done. They can provide advice on matters like sentence mitigation, parole applications, and rehabilitation programs.

Remember, every drug case is unique and navigating the legal system can be complex. Seeking professional legal advice at these various stages can ensure your rights are protected and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

How much does a drug lawyer cost? What fees can I expect?

Engaging a criminal lawyer can be a crucial step if you're facing drug charges. However, it's equally important to understand the costs involved. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Initial consultation fee: At State Law Group we offer a free initial consultation. This session allows our team to understand your unique case and determine if and how we can help you.
  2. Lawyer's experience: The level of experience a lawyer has can impact their fees and hourly rates. More experienced lawyers often charge more for their services, but their expertise might result in a more favourable outcome for your case.
  3. Complexity of case: More complex cases, such as those involving large commercial quantities of drugs or additional charges like trafficking, can take more time and resources to handle, thus increasing the cost.
  4. Legal Aid: If you cannot afford a lawyer, you might be eligible for legal aid. Legal aid provides free or low-cost legal services to those who qualify.
  5. Disbursements: These are expenses incurred by the lawyer on your behalf, such as court filing fees, expert reports, and photocopying. They are usually charged in addition to the lawyer's fees.
  6. Case resolution: If your case is resolved quickly, through a plea bargain for example, the total cost might be less than if it goes all the way to trial, which requires more preparation and court appearances.

While hiring a lawyer might seem expensive initially, it can prove cost-effective in the long run. The potential implications of a criminal record are far-reaching, so it's important to ensure you have the best representation possible. Remember, it's essential to discuss and agree on costs with your lawyer at the beginning. Most lawyers are required to provide a costs agreement setting out their fees and how they are calculated. Make sure you read and understand this agreement before engaging a lawyer.

How do I choose the best drug lawyer?

Choosing the right lawyer is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your case's outcome. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Specialisation: Look for a lawyer who specialises in drug offences. This area of law is complex and constantly changing, so it's essential to have someone who is up-to-date with the latest developments. For example, specialised drug offences lawyers will understand the nuances between possession, supply, and trafficking charges.
  2. Experience: Consider the lawyer's experience in handling drug offence cases. An experienced lawyer will be familiar with court procedures, negotiation tactics, and defence strategies that can help in your case. Ask about their track record in similar cases to yours.
  3. Reputation: A lawyer's reputation can provide insight into their professionalism, ethics, and success rate. You can research online reviews or ask for references from past clients. For instance, a lawyer with a reputation for successfully reducing charges or securing non-conviction orders might be a good fit.
  4. Clear communication: Your lawyer should clearly explain your legal situation, possible defence strategies, and potential outcomes. They should answer your questions promptly and keep you informed about your case's progress.
  5. Personal Rapport: It's important to feel comfortable with your lawyer as you may need to share sensitive information with them. If you feel understood and supported during your initial consultation, it's a good sign of a positive client-lawyer relationship.
  6. Fee structure: Understanding the lawyer's fee structure is crucial. Whether they charge a flat fee or by the hour, make sure you're aware of all costs involved upfront.
  7. Availability: Your lawyer should have sufficient time to devote to your case. If they seem overworked or too busy to give your case the attention it requires, it might be best to look elsewhere.

Choosing the right lawyer involves careful consideration of these factors. Remember, the goal is to find someone who has the expertise, experience, and dedication to provide the best possible defence for your case. At State Law Group, our team of Sydney criminal lawyers are ready to fight for you.

Book your free consultation today

Facing drug offences and navigating the legal system can be daunting. But remember, you don't have to face it alone. Book a free consultation with State Law Group today. Let our team of expert drug defence lawyers guide you through the process, provide you with the advice you need, and take the lead in your legal defence.

Talk to an expert lawyer about your case

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Frequently asked questions

First class legal services and solutions to the people of Sydney & Brisbane.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Can I write my own will and it will be legally binding?

You can write your own will in Australia as long as you are over 18 years of age and of sound mind and body. The will must be in writing and it must be signed, including by two witnesses.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your will and assets for distribution after you pass away. These lawyers will help you craft plans that meet your goals. As part of these services, they will often set up wills, trusts, and other documents.

What is the difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer?

The difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer is that an estate lawyer helps you set up an estate, while a probate lawyer handles the process of distributing your estate after your death.

What type of lawyer will make a will for you?

Most practising solicitors are capable of producing a valid will, though not all lawyers will offer will planning services. Estate lawyers have experience with complex wills and will planning.

Does a will have to be notarised?

A will does not have to be notarised. However, to avoid potential legal problems, you should have your will reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that you did not make mistakes that could invalidate it.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Can I write my own will and it will be legally binding?

You can write your own will in Australia as long as you are over 18 years of age and of sound mind and body. The will must be in writing and it must be signed, including by two witnesses.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your will and assets for distribution after you pass away. These lawyers will help you craft plans that meet your goals. As part of these services, they will often set up wills, trusts, and other documents.

What is the difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer?

The difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer is that an estate lawyer helps you set up an estate, while a probate lawyer handles the process of distributing your estate after your death.

What type of lawyer will make a will for you?

Most practising solicitors are capable of producing a valid will, though not all lawyers will offer will planning services. Estate lawyers have experience with complex wills and will planning.

Does a will have to be notarised?

A will does not have to be notarised. However, to avoid potential legal problems, you should have your will reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that you did not make mistakes that could invalidate it.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a litigation lawyer do?

A litigation lawyer protects you when you are involved in a legal dispute. These lawyers represent you both in and outside of the courtroom. Outside of the courtroom, these lawyers may develop strategies or negotiate with other parties.

What is a litigation lawyer?

A litigation lawyer specialises in the civil litigation process. These lawyers may be involved when someone uses the court to enforce, exercise or defend legal rights. Litigation lawyers are found on both sides of most civil litigation disputes, serving both plaintiff and defendant.

What kind of cases does a litigation lawyer handle?

Litigation lawyers may handle any kind of cases that involve disputes. These disputes may comes from different areas of the law, such as family law, administrative law, migration, and others.

Who can dispute a contract?

A contract dispute can be started by any participants in a given contract. Disputes are often initiated by business partners, vendors, or subcontractors. These disputes can also come up in land contracts or property sales.

Who can settle a contract dispute?

The Australian courts exercise the power to settle contract disputes. Bringing a dispute to court can be a long and complicated process. Along the way, you may be encouraged to complete a dispute through mediation or arbitration.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a litigation lawyer do?

A litigation lawyer protects you when you are involved in a legal dispute. These lawyers represent you both in and outside of the courtroom. Outside of the courtroom, these lawyers may develop strategies or negotiate with other parties.

What is a litigation lawyer?

A litigation lawyer specialises in the civil litigation process. These lawyers may be involved when someone uses the court to enforce, exercise or defend legal rights. Litigation lawyers are found on both sides of most civil litigation disputes, serving both plaintiff and defendant.

What kind of cases does a litigation lawyer handle?

Litigation lawyers may handle any kind of cases that involve disputes. These disputes may comes from different areas of the law, such as family law, administrative law, migration, and others.

Who can dispute a contract?

A contract dispute can be started by any participants in a given contract. Disputes are often initiated by business partners, vendors, or subcontractors. These disputes can also come up in land contracts or property sales.

Who can settle a contract dispute?

The Australian courts exercise the power to settle contract disputes. Bringing a dispute to court can be a long and complicated process. Along the way, you may be encouraged to complete a dispute through mediation or arbitration.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does an immigration lawyer cost?

Immigration lawyer costs can be difficult to predict in Australia. The cost of your representation will depend on your lawyer's experience and the expenses involved in the legal services you need.

Do I need to hire an immigration lawyer?

Hiring an immigration lawyer can help you avoid delays that may result from mistakes on your application. You may also need a lawyer if you face serious challenges or penalties. Deportation is possible if you fail to win some legal challenges.

How do I find the right immigration lawyer?

Find the right immigration lawyer by searching the local area for lawyers who offer immigration services. Lawyers who work with immigration typically specialise in this area. Our lawyers are standing by to help you if you need assistance with an immigration.

What does an immigration lawyer do?

An immigration lawyer may help you with all parts of immigrating to Australia. These lawyers may assist you by preparing your application, planning your immigration path, and responding to new queries or rejections from government departments.

What kind of lawyers help immigrants?

Immigrant lawyers help immigrants with the migration process. These lawyers can provide a significant level of support. Our immigration lawyers can help you manage applications, cancellations, and the visas for your situation.

Where can I ask a lawyer immigration questions for free?

If you're speaking for the first time to our immigration lawyers, free consultations are standard. You will pay no upfront costs to discuss your case with a member of our team.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does an immigration lawyer cost?

Immigration lawyer costs can be difficult to predict in Australia. The cost of your representation will depend on your lawyer's experience and the expenses involved in the legal services you need.

Do I need to hire an immigration lawyer?

Hiring an immigration lawyer can help you avoid delays that may result from mistakes on your application. You may also need a lawyer if you face serious challenges or penalties. Deportation is possible if you fail to win some legal challenges.

How do I find the right immigration lawyer?

Find the right immigration lawyer by searching the local area for lawyers who offer immigration services. Lawyers who work with immigration typically specialise in this area. Our lawyers are standing by to help you if you need assistance with an immigration.

What does an immigration lawyer do?

An immigration lawyer may help you with all parts of immigrating to Australia. These lawyers may assist you by preparing your application, planning your immigration path, and responding to new queries or rejections from government departments.

What kind of lawyers help immigrants?

Immigrant lawyers help immigrants with the migration process. These lawyers can provide a significant level of support. Our immigration lawyers can help you manage applications, cancellations, and the visas for your situation.

Where can I ask a lawyer immigration questions for free?

If you're speaking for the first time to our immigration lawyers, free consultations are standard. You will pay no upfront costs to discuss your case with a member of our team.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does a family lawyer cost?

Family lawyer costs often depend on multiple factors. In Australia, lawyers can cost between $200-$600+ an hour. Your personal costs may depend on the assistance you need and the seniority of the lawyer.

What does a family lawyer do?

Family lawyers assist clients with matters involving family law. These lawyers often deal with marriage, divorce, adoption, and child custody. They are often asked to help draft agreements, enforce past agreements, or represent clients in court.

How do I find a good family lawyer?

A good family lawyer will have experience and a commitment to your needs. These lawyers must often carry you through times of conflicting emotions. Our family lawyers are dedicated. Schedule a consultation to learn how we can help.

How much does a divorce lawyer cost?

Divorce lawyers cost a varying amount in Australia. For divorces, it's often a good idea to look at total costs. Government fees apply whether there are conflicts or not. Going to court can significantly increase the costs associated with divorce, especially if there are ongoing conflicts over children or property.

When should I get a divorce lawyer?

You should get a divorce lawyer if you worry the conflicts in a marriage, divorce, or childcare agreement cannot be resolved without experience and expertise.

How much does a custody lawyer cost?

Custody lawyer costs in Australia may depend on the complexity of the cases, and the experience of the lawyer. A lawyer may cost between $200-$600+. However, custody cases may involve bills for support staff and court filing, which can mean significant costs in custody cases.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your assets to be passed on to your descendants when you die. These lawyers will help you develop estate plans, and ensure that assets are passed on the correct beneficiaries after your death.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does a family lawyer cost?

Family lawyer costs often depend on multiple factors. In Australia, lawyers can cost between $200-$600+ an hour. Your personal costs may depend on the assistance you need and the seniority of the lawyer.

What does a family lawyer do?

Family lawyers assist clients with matters involving family law. These lawyers often deal with marriage, divorce, adoption, and child custody. They are often asked to help draft agreements, enforce past agreements, or represent clients in court.

How do I find a good family lawyer?

A good family lawyer will have experience and a commitment to your needs. These lawyers must often carry you through times of conflicting emotions. Our family lawyers are dedicated. Schedule a consultation to learn how we can help.

How much does a divorce lawyer cost?

Divorce lawyers cost a varying amount in Australia. For divorces, it's often a good idea to look at total costs. Government fees apply whether there are conflicts or not. Going to court can significantly increase the costs associated with divorce, especially if there are ongoing conflicts over children or property.

When should I get a divorce lawyer?

You should get a divorce lawyer if you worry the conflicts in a marriage, divorce, or childcare agreement cannot be resolved without experience and expertise.

How much does a custody lawyer cost?

Custody lawyer costs in Australia may depend on the complexity of the cases, and the experience of the lawyer. A lawyer may cost between $200-$600+. However, custody cases may involve bills for support staff and court filing, which can mean significant costs in custody cases.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your assets to be passed on to your descendants when you die. These lawyers will help you develop estate plans, and ensure that assets are passed on the correct beneficiaries after your death.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What is a criminal lawyer?

A criminal lawyer specialises in the area of criminal law. These lawyers protect your rights when you've been charged with a crime. A criminal lawyer will help you develop a defence, and engage in negotiations with the prosecution when necessary.

How much does a criminal lawyer cost?

A criminal lawyer in Australia can cost between $200 and $600 an hour. The cost you pay for a criminal lawyer will depend on factors such as the complexity of your charges, and the seniority of your lawyer.

Do I need to hire a traffic lawyer?

You should hire a traffic lawyer if you need protection while facing traffic charges. You should protect yourself because Australian traffic penalties can be severe. You may lose your license if convicted of some traffic offences.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost?

A DUI lawyer specialises in criminal charges related to drunk drivers, and they are compensated similarly to other criminal lawyers in Australia. These lawyers are paid between $200-$600 an hour depending on the case and the experience of the lawyer involved.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What is a criminal lawyer?

A criminal lawyer specialises in the area of criminal law. These lawyers protect your rights when you've been charged with a crime. A criminal lawyer will help you develop a defence, and engage in negotiations with the prosecution when necessary.

How much does a criminal lawyer cost?

A criminal lawyer in Australia can cost between $200 and $600 an hour. The cost you pay for a criminal lawyer will depend on factors such as the complexity of your charges, and the seniority of your lawyer.

Do I need to hire a traffic lawyer?

You should hire a traffic lawyer if you need protection while facing traffic charges. You should protect yourself because Australian traffic penalties can be severe. You may lose your license if convicted of some traffic offences.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost?

A DUI lawyer specialises in criminal charges related to drunk drivers, and they are compensated similarly to other criminal lawyers in Australia. These lawyers are paid between $200-$600 an hour depending on the case and the experience of the lawyer involved.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Why should I hire a property lawyer?

You should hire a property lawyer when you want to protect your interests in a property deal or dispute.

How do I choose a property lawyer?

You should choose a property lawyer who has experience in property, is close enough for convenient meetings, and can give your matter the attention it needs. Contact us for a consultation.

What does a property lawyer do?

A property lawyer represents you in property matters. These lawyers will help you negotiate contracts that involve property, review existing contracts, enforce the terms of contracts, and perform other related services.

What does a conveyancing lawyer do?

A conveyancing lawyer assists you with the settlement of property sales. These lawyers can help by liaising between the sellers and your financial institution. A conveyancing lawyer can also assist with other parts of the property-buying process, including inspections and analysis of tax and legal challenges.

How much does a conveyancing lawyer cost?

Conveyancing fees for a conveyance lawyer can cost between $400-$3000. The cost may depend on many factors, including the complexity of the sale, and the experience of the conveyancing lawyer.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Why should I hire a property lawyer?

You should hire a property lawyer when you want to protect your interests in a property deal or dispute.

How do I choose a property lawyer?

You should choose a property lawyer who has experience in property, is close enough for convenient meetings, and can give your matter the attention it needs. Contact us for a consultation.

What does a property lawyer do?

A property lawyer represents you in property matters. These lawyers will help you negotiate contracts that involve property, review existing contracts, enforce the terms of contracts, and perform other related services.

What does a conveyancing lawyer do?

A conveyancing lawyer assists you with the settlement of property sales. These lawyers can help by liaising between the sellers and your financial institution. A conveyancing lawyer can also assist with other parts of the property-buying process, including inspections and analysis of tax and legal challenges.

How much does a conveyancing lawyer cost?

Conveyancing fees for a conveyance lawyer can cost between $400-$3000. The cost may depend on many factors, including the complexity of the sale, and the experience of the conveyancing lawyer.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a contract lawyer do?

Contract lawyers apply common law to negotiate, enforce, or invalidate contracts. You should speak to a contract lawyer when you want to ensure an agreement, such as an employment contract, is fair to you. They can also help if someone breaches a contract you are party to, or if you are part of a contract with illegal terms.

How much does a contract lawyer cost?

The cost of a contract lawyer depends on the experience of the lawyer and the amount of time it will take them to resolve your contract issue. For an estimation of your costs, you should book a consultation and provide your lawyer with the complete details of your complaint.

What are the legal rights of an employee?

Australian employment law provides legal rights to employees. The Fair Work Act and other industrial relations legislation provides protections from bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Employees also have the right to the correct pay and entitlements from their work. Finally, employees have the right to the training or mentoring necessary to work safely.

How much does an employment lawyer cost?

An employment lawyer can cost between $200-600 an hour. The hourly cost of a lawyer may depend on factors such as the location, reputation of the firm, and the experience of the lawyer.

How do I find an employment lawyer?

You can find an employment lawyer near you in most regions of Australia. Contact your local Law Council to be directed to a lawyer with relevant experience. Our lawyers can assist you with many different employment challenges.

What is intellectual property law in Australia?

Intellectual property law in Australia refers to laws that deal with patents, trademarks and designs. This area of law also governs secret processes and formulae that exist across a range of different industries. You may need an intellectual property lawyer if you are the victim of copyright infringement, or are accused of infringement.

Should I hire a data protection lawyer?

You should consider hiring a data protection lawyer if your digital privacy is violated by a public sector or private sector entity. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provides you with many protections. Speak to a lawyer to learn more about your rights and actions that are considered violations.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a contract lawyer do?

Contract lawyers apply common law to negotiate, enforce, or invalidate contracts. You should speak to a contract lawyer when you want to ensure an agreement, such as an employment contract, is fair to you. They can also help if someone breaches a contract you are party to, or if you are part of a contract with illegal terms.

How much does a contract lawyer cost?

The cost of a contract lawyer depends on the experience of the lawyer and the amount of time it will take them to resolve your contract issue. For an estimation of your costs, you should book a consultation and provide your lawyer with the complete details of your complaint.

What are the legal rights of an employee?

Australian employment law provides legal rights to employees. The Fair Work Act and other industrial relations legislation provides protections from bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Employees also have the right to the correct pay and entitlements from their work. Finally, employees have the right to the training or mentoring necessary to work safely.

How much does an employment lawyer cost?

An employment lawyer can cost between $200-600 an hour. The hourly cost of a lawyer may depend on factors such as the location, reputation of the firm, and the experience of the lawyer.

How do I find an employment lawyer?

You can find an employment lawyer near you in most regions of Australia. Contact your local Law Council to be directed to a lawyer with relevant experience. Our lawyers can assist you with many different employment challenges.

What is intellectual property law in Australia?

Intellectual property law in Australia refers to laws that deal with patents, trademarks and designs. This area of law also governs secret processes and formulae that exist across a range of different industries. You may need an intellectual property lawyer if you are the victim of copyright infringement, or are accused of infringement.

Should I hire a data protection lawyer?

You should consider hiring a data protection lawyer if your digital privacy is violated by a public sector or private sector entity. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provides you with many protections. Speak to a lawyer to learn more about your rights and actions that are considered violations.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a compensation lawyer do?

A compensation lawyer is a legal expert who can help you claim compensation for injuries, harm, or damages that result from another person's negligence. These are considered to be common law claims.

Who are the best compensation lawyers?

The best compensation lawyers are committed to you and your needs. Our lawyers are results-driven, multilingual, and multidisciplinary. We have successfully won claims for clients involved in many types of accidents cases.

Who handles workers compensation claims?

Worker's compensation claims are handled by compensation lawyers. These lawyers work to restore you to the financial position you had before your injury by establishing the cost of your injuries and collecting compensation from your employer.

How do you claim compensation for personal injury?

You can claim personal injury compensation if you have suffered injuries because of another person's actions. In Australia, you can make such claims for any incident that takes place with the country. Any form of injury can be claimed if it can be shown to be the result of negligence or action by another party.

How much can I claim for personal injury?

Australian injury payouts have reached millions of dollars. The payout for each case depends heavily on unique factors (for example, the extent of injuries). You will need to have a lawyer review the details of your case to get an estimate of how much you can claim.

How much compensation will I get for medical negligence?

Medical negligence compensation cases in Australia can involve claims for millions of dollars. You may be awarded large sums if you have experienced serious injuries, disability, or other problems because of medical negligence. Speak to a lawyer to learn about medical negligence cases that may be related to your case.

How much compensation can I get for car accidents?

Car accident compensation payouts can be large due to the potential for catastrophic injuries. Payouts in these cases may need to be large enough to compensate you for reduced mobility or the inability to work in your field again.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a compensation lawyer do?

A compensation lawyer is a legal expert who can help you claim compensation for injuries, harm, or damages that result from another person's negligence. These are considered to be common law claims.

Who are the best compensation lawyers?

The best compensation lawyers are committed to you and your needs. Our lawyers are results-driven, multilingual, and multidisciplinary. We have successfully won claims for clients involved in many types of accidents cases.

Who handles workers compensation claims?

Worker's compensation claims are handled by compensation lawyers. These lawyers work to restore you to the financial position you had before your injury by establishing the cost of your injuries and collecting compensation from your employer.

How do you claim compensation for personal injury?

You can claim personal injury compensation if you have suffered injuries because of another person's actions. In Australia, you can make such claims for any incident that takes place with the country. Any form of injury can be claimed if it can be shown to be the result of negligence or action by another party.

How much can I claim for personal injury?

Australian injury payouts have reached millions of dollars. The payout for each case depends heavily on unique factors (for example, the extent of injuries). You will need to have a lawyer review the details of your case to get an estimate of how much you can claim.

How much compensation will I get for medical negligence?

Medical negligence compensation cases in Australia can involve claims for millions of dollars. You may be awarded large sums if you have experienced serious injuries, disability, or other problems because of medical negligence. Speak to a lawyer to learn about medical negligence cases that may be related to your case.

How much compensation can I get for car accidents?

Car accident compensation payouts can be large due to the potential for catastrophic injuries. Payouts in these cases may need to be large enough to compensate you for reduced mobility or the inability to work in your field again.