Traffic Offence Lawyers: Helping You Navigate Traffic Law

Facing a traffic offence charge? Let our team of expert criminal lawyers guide you through the process, provide you with the advice you need, and take the lead in your legal defence.

Caught in the headlights of a traffic offence? The road ahead may seem daunting, but with the right guide, it doesn't have to be. Here at State Law Group, we specialise in criminal law, helping countless clients navigate their traffic offences and achieve favourable outcomes.

If you've recently been charged with a traffic offence, and want to fight the charge or simply seek legal advice, you’re in the right place. From minor infringements to serious charges, the following information may shed some light on how traffic lawyers operate, common offences and penalties, defences used, and the benefits of hiring an experienced lawyer. We'll also touch on when to seek legal advice, anticipated costs, and how to choose the best legal team for your case.

What does a traffic offence lawyer do?

A criminal lawyer specialised in traffic law provides legal representation for individuals charged with traffic violations, such as speeding or drink driving, working to potentially reduce penalties, avoid licence disqualification, or even have the charges dismissed. For example, if you're charged with reckless driving, a traffic lawyer could argue on your behalf, presenting evidence or circumstances that mitigate the severity of the offence.

Common traffic offences and penalties

Navigating the landscape of traffic offences in New South Wales (NSW), Australia can be complex. Let's break down some of the most common offences and their potential penalties:


Speeding is one of the most common traffic offences. The penalties can range from a fine and demerit points to licence suspension, depending on how much you exceed the speed limit. For instance, exceeding the limit by more than 45 km/h can lead to immediate licence suspension.

2.Drink driving

In NSW, drink driving offences are categorised based on blood alcohol concentration (BAC). A low range drink driving offence (BAC of 0.05 to 0.079) carries a fine and possible licence suspension, while high range offences (BAC of 0.15 or more) can result in imprisonment. The exact penalties depend on the blood alcohol concentration level and any prior offences

3.Drug driving

Having the presence of certain drugs in your system while driving is a major traffic offence, attracting substantial fines, licence disqualification, and even imprisonment for repeat offenders. This offence is typically detected through roadside drug testing.

4.Using a mobile phone while driving

This offence can lead to a significant fine and demerit points. It's crucial to note that this includes holding your phone while driving, not just texting or calling. The fine for illegal mobile phone use is $362, or $481 if detected in a school zone. Additionally, there is a penalty of 5 demerit points for illegal mobile phone use, which increases to 10 demerit points during double demerit periods.

5.Dangerous driving

This major driving offence includes behaviours like reckless driving, street racing, dangerous driving occasioning death and grievous bodily harm. Penalties can include heavy fines, imprisonment, and licence disqualification. The maximum penalty for dangerous and negligent driving occasioning grievous bodily harm is 7 years imprisonment.

6.Police pursuits

If you fail to stop for the police, this is considered a serious driving offence. Depending on the situation, the penalties can range from fines and demerit points to imprisonment. The maximum penalty for a police pursuit is three years’ imprisonment for a first time offence and imprisonment for up to five years for any additional offences..

7.Unlicensed driving

Driving without a valid licence or driving whilst suspended is a serious offence that can lead to fines, imprisonment, and a further period of disqualification. If you are charged with unlicensed driving, the penalty notice fine ranges from between $500 to $5,500 depending on the circumstances.

8.Not wearing a seatbelt

Both drivers and passengers are required to wear seatbelts. Failing to ensure that all passengers are properly wearing a seatbelt will attract a fine and demerit points. Additionally, to the driver, passengers aged over 16 will get a fine for not wearing a seatbelt. They can also get a fine for travelling with any part of their body outside the vehicle.

9.Disobeying traffic lights or signs

Running a red light or failing to stop at a stop sign is a frequent offence, leading to a fine and demerit points. Common examples of this include failure to stop at a stop sign, running red lights, and driving in a bus lane.

10.Parking offences

Incorrect parking, such as parking in ticketed, metered or coupon parking spaces without valid tickets, can result in fines. Some councils have replaced paper tickets and instead send letters up to a month later, giving motorists little chance to appeal.

These are just a few examples of the many traffic offences. Each carries its own set of penalties, and understanding these rules can prevent you from inadvertently breaking them. If you're facing charges for a traffic offence, it's advisable to seek legal advice to help you navigate the complexities of the law and protect your rights.

Common defences used by traffic lawyers

When faced with a driving offence charge, a strong legal defence can make all the difference.  Here are some common defence strategies used by specialist traffic lawyers to defend clients:

1.Honest and reasonable mistake

This defence hinges on proving that the defendant made an honest and reasonable error of judgement. For instance, if you've been charged with driving an unregistered vehicle, but genuinely believed your registration was current, this defence could apply.


In certain cases, lawyers may argue that a traffic violation was necessary to prevent a greater harm. For example, if you were speeding because you were rushing someone to hospital. This defence requires demonstrating that the defendant believed there was an immediate danger and had no reasonable alternative.


This defence is used when the defendant was forced to commit the offence under threats or fear of harm. For example, if a person was threatened with violence unless they drove a getaway car, they could potentially use duress as a defence.

4.Mental illness

In certain circumstances, mental illness can be used as a defence. However, this requires substantial medical evidence and is often subject to strict scrutiny by the court.

5.Faulty equipment

If you've been charged with speeding, your lawyer might question the accuracy of the speed detection device. They might argue that the device wasn't properly calibrated or maintained, casting doubt on the reliability of the evidence.

6.Insufficient evidence

If the prosecution fails to provide substantial evidence, your lawyer may argue that the case should be dismissed on this basis. For example, if you're accused of running a red light but the prosecution can't produce clear video footage or witness testimonies, this defence might be effective.


This refers to situations where the defendant was not conscious or in control of their actions at the time of the offence. It's often used in cases involving medical conditions like sleepwalking or seizures. While it's a complex and rarely used defence, it has been successful in some cases.

8.Identification dispute

The defendant might dispute that they were the person driving the vehicle at the time of the alleged offence. This is common in cases where the police did not stop the vehicle at the time of the offence, such as camera-detected speeding offences.

Each of these defences has its own nuances and requirements and are just a snapshot of the many strategies that experienced traffic offence lawyers can employ to defend their clients. If you find yourself facing driving offence charges, it's advisable to seek professional legal advice to explore the best defence options for your situation.

The benefits of hiring an experienced traffic lawyer for legal representation

Hiring an experienced lawyer for legal representation doesn't just provide you with legal advice. Our team of experienced traffic lawyers can dramatically improve your chances of a favourable outcome and offer you significant advantages such as:

1.Expert knowledge of traffic law

Our experienced lawyers have in-depth knowledge of Australia's legal system, regulations, precedents, and court procedures. For instance, they understand the nuances of 'beyond reasonable doubt' in criminal cases and can effectively challenge the prosecution's evidence.

2.Case evaluation and strategic guidance

Every legal case requires a unique strategy. Our lawyers provide strategic advice based on their understanding of legal complexities. For instance, they might identify a faulty breathalyser test in a drink-driving charge, which could potentially lead to case dismissal.

3.Negotiation skills

Whether it's bargaining for a fair settlement in a personal injury case or negotiating plea deals in criminal cases, our experienced lawyers can negotiate with the prosecution for lesser charges or penalties, potentially saving you from hefty fines or licence disqualification.

4.Courtroom experience

If your case proceeds to court, having a lawyer who is familiar with courtroom protocols and has a good rapport with judges and prosecutors can be invaluable. Our experienced lawyers know when to object, how to cross-examine witnesses effectively, and how to present arguments persuasively.

5.Understanding of legal documents and terminology

Legal documents can be complex and filled with jargon. Experienced traffic lawyers can help interpret these documents, ensuring you're fully aware of your situation and can make informed decisions. For example, they can explain the terms of a good behaviour bond or licence suspension notice and what what this really means to you or how to prevent future offences.

6.Guidance and support

Facing a traffic violation charge with ripple effects into your professional or personal life can be emotionally draining. Having a lawyer on your side who can handle time-consuming tasks such as filing paperwork, gathering evidence, and liaising with court officials, allows you to focus on your personal life and work. By remaining objective to your case, lawyers help you make clear-headed decisions.

7.Professional network

Our established lawyers have a wide network of professionals like private investigators or expert witnesses who can assist in strengthening your case. For example, we may call upon a medical expert in a hit-and-run case to provide testimony about your injuries.

8.Peace of mind

Facing a driving offence charge can be stressful. Having an experienced traffic offence lawyer by your side provides reassurance, knowing that a professional law firm is working diligently for the best possible outcome.

Each of these benefits highlights the importance of hiring an experienced traffic lawyer, which can often be a game-changer when facing your traffic violation charges. Our team's expertise, strategic approach, negotiation skills, and commitment to protecting your rights are focused on mitigating the impact of traffic offence charges on your life.

When should I seek legal advice after being charged with a traffic offence?

We often get asked about the right time to seek legal advice after being charged with a traffic offence. Here are some key points to consider:

1.Complexity of the case

If you're facing charges for a major traffic offence like dangerous driving causing death or grievous bodily harm, it's crucial to seek legal advice. These traffic matters carry severe penalties, including imprisonment, and require an understanding of complex legal processes and principles.

2.Repeat offences

If you've been charged and you have prior traffic offences, the penalties could be more severe. A lawyer can help you understand the potential implications and formulate a defence strategy.

3.Disputing the charge

If you believe you're not guilty of the offence charged, a lawyer can help you understand your rights and build a strong defence. For instance, if you're charged with speeding but believe the speed detection device was faulty, a lawyer can assist in challenging the evidence.

4.Disqualification risk

If you're at risk of losing your licence due to exceeding your demerit points limit or being charged with serious driving offences like high-range drink driving, legal advice can be critical. Loss of licence can significantly impact your life, affecting your employment and personal freedom.

5.Mitigating circumstances

If there were mitigating circumstances during the offence, such as a medical emergency, a lawyer can help present these facts effectively to the court.

6.Uncertainty about your rights

If you're unsure about your rights or how to respond to a charge, consulting a lawyer can provide clarity. For example, you may not be aware that you can challenge a fine or plead not guilty to a charge. A lawyer can assess your situation and advise if defences like necessity or duress might apply.

7.Inaccuracies in the police report

If you believe there are errors in the police report or the evidence against you has been improperly obtained, a lawyer can help you challenge these issues in court.

8.Court proceedings

If your case is going to court, it's highly advisable to seek legal representation. Court procedures can be complex and intimidating, and having a lawyer ensures your case is presented in the best possible light.

Remember, while dealing with a traffic case can be stressful, you don't have to go through it alone. Our expert legal team of traffic lawyers can provide you with legal advice to ensure that you're well-informed about your rights, the potential consequences of your actions, and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

How much does a traffic lawyer cost? What fees can I expect?

Engaging a traffic lawyer can be a crucial step if you're facing a traffic case. However, it's equally important to understand the costs involved. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Initial consultation fee: At State Law Group we offer a free initial consultation. This session allows our team to understand your unique case and determine if and how we can help you.
  2. Lawyer's experience: The level of experience a lawyer has can impact their fees and hourly rates. More experienced lawyers often charge more for their services, but their expertise might result in a more favourable outcome for your case.
  3. Fixed fee agreements: For relatively straightforward cases, some lawyers offer a fixed fee. For example, for a drink driving matter, it might cost around $1,500 to $3,000. This provides certainty about the legal costs upfront.
  4. Legal Aid: If you can't afford a lawyer, you may be eligible for Legal Aid. However, eligibility criteria are strict, and Legal Aid is not usually available for traffic matters unless there's a real risk of imprisonment.
  5. Disbursements: These are expenses incurred by the lawyer on your behalf, such as court filing fees, expert reports, and photocopying. They are usually charged in addition to the lawyer's fees.
  6. Complexity of case: The more complex the case, the more work required and thus, the higher the cost. For instance, a case requiring expert witnesses or extensive negotiation will likely cost more than a simple plea of guilt.
  7. Travel costs: If your lawyer needs to travel for court appearances, you may be charged for their travel time and expenses.

While hiring a lawyer might seem expensive initially, it can prove cost-effective in the long run, particularly if they can help you avoid fines, civil damages, or even incarceration. Remember, it's essential to discuss and agree on costs with your lawyer at the beginning. Most lawyers are required to provide a costs agreement setting out their fees and how they are calculated. Make sure you read and understand this agreement before engaging a lawyer.

How do I choose the best traffic lawyer?

Choosing the right lawyer from the numerous criminal law firms out there can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At State Law Group, we understand the importance of this decision and are here to help you make an informed choice. Here are some key factors to consider in your selection process:

  1. Specialisation: Look for a lawyer who specialises in traffic law. They'll have a deep understanding of the intricacies of traffic law and the best strategies to defend against them. For instance, they may be familiar with the technicalities of breath test procedures and how to challenge their validity if necessary.
  2. Experience: The more experience a lawyer has in handling cases related to traffic law, the better. Ask about their track record in dealing with cases similar to yours. For example, if you've been charged with drink driving, has the lawyer successfully defended such cases in the past?
  3. Local knowledge: A lawyer who is familiar with the local courts, judges, and prosecutors can be a great asset. They'll have an understanding of local court procedures and can use this knowledge to your advantage.
  4. Clear communication: Your lawyer should be able to explain the legal jargon in clear, understandable terms. They should keep you informed about your case's progress and be responsive to your queries.
  5. Reputation: Check out online reviews and ask for references. A lawyer's reputation can give you a sense of their credibility and the quality of their services.
  6. Fee structure: Understanding the lawyer's fee structure is crucial. Whether they charge a flat fee or by the hour, make sure you're aware of all costs involved upfront.
  7. Initial consultation: Many lawyers offer a free initial consultation. This meeting can provide you with a sense of the lawyer's style, approach, and whether you feel comfortable with them representing you.
  8. Trust and confidence: Ultimately, you want a lawyer you trust and feel confident in. You should feel that they genuinely care about your case and will advocate for your best interests.

By considering these factors, you can ensure you're choosing the best traffic lawyer for your specific needs. At State Law Group, our team of Sydney traffic lawyers are here to assist you with any legal traffic matters.

Book your free consultation today

Facing traffic offences and navigating the legal system can be daunting. But remember, you don't have to face it alone. Book a free consultation with State Law Group today. Let our team of expert traffic lawyers guide you through the process, provide you with the advice you need, and take the lead in your legal defence.

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Frequently asked questions

First class legal services and solutions to the people of Sydney & Brisbane.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Can I write my own will and it will be legally binding?

You can write your own will in Australia as long as you are over 18 years of age and of sound mind and body. The will must be in writing and it must be signed, including by two witnesses.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your will and assets for distribution after you pass away. These lawyers will help you craft plans that meet your goals. As part of these services, they will often set up wills, trusts, and other documents.

What is the difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer?

The difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer is that an estate lawyer helps you set up an estate, while a probate lawyer handles the process of distributing your estate after your death.

What type of lawyer will make a will for you?

Most practising solicitors are capable of producing a valid will, though not all lawyers will offer will planning services. Estate lawyers have experience with complex wills and will planning.

Does a will have to be notarised?

A will does not have to be notarised. However, to avoid potential legal problems, you should have your will reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that you did not make mistakes that could invalidate it.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Can I write my own will and it will be legally binding?

You can write your own will in Australia as long as you are over 18 years of age and of sound mind and body. The will must be in writing and it must be signed, including by two witnesses.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your will and assets for distribution after you pass away. These lawyers will help you craft plans that meet your goals. As part of these services, they will often set up wills, trusts, and other documents.

What is the difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer?

The difference between an estate lawyer and a probate lawyer is that an estate lawyer helps you set up an estate, while a probate lawyer handles the process of distributing your estate after your death.

What type of lawyer will make a will for you?

Most practising solicitors are capable of producing a valid will, though not all lawyers will offer will planning services. Estate lawyers have experience with complex wills and will planning.

Does a will have to be notarised?

A will does not have to be notarised. However, to avoid potential legal problems, you should have your will reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that you did not make mistakes that could invalidate it.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a litigation lawyer do?

A litigation lawyer protects you when you are involved in a legal dispute. These lawyers represent you both in and outside of the courtroom. Outside of the courtroom, these lawyers may develop strategies or negotiate with other parties.

What is a litigation lawyer?

A litigation lawyer specialises in the civil litigation process. These lawyers may be involved when someone uses the court to enforce, exercise or defend legal rights. Litigation lawyers are found on both sides of most civil litigation disputes, serving both plaintiff and defendant.

What kind of cases does a litigation lawyer handle?

Litigation lawyers may handle any kind of cases that involve disputes. These disputes may comes from different areas of the law, such as family law, administrative law, migration, and others.

Who can dispute a contract?

A contract dispute can be started by any participants in a given contract. Disputes are often initiated by business partners, vendors, or subcontractors. These disputes can also come up in land contracts or property sales.

Who can settle a contract dispute?

The Australian courts exercise the power to settle contract disputes. Bringing a dispute to court can be a long and complicated process. Along the way, you may be encouraged to complete a dispute through mediation or arbitration.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a litigation lawyer do?

A litigation lawyer protects you when you are involved in a legal dispute. These lawyers represent you both in and outside of the courtroom. Outside of the courtroom, these lawyers may develop strategies or negotiate with other parties.

What is a litigation lawyer?

A litigation lawyer specialises in the civil litigation process. These lawyers may be involved when someone uses the court to enforce, exercise or defend legal rights. Litigation lawyers are found on both sides of most civil litigation disputes, serving both plaintiff and defendant.

What kind of cases does a litigation lawyer handle?

Litigation lawyers may handle any kind of cases that involve disputes. These disputes may comes from different areas of the law, such as family law, administrative law, migration, and others.

Who can dispute a contract?

A contract dispute can be started by any participants in a given contract. Disputes are often initiated by business partners, vendors, or subcontractors. These disputes can also come up in land contracts or property sales.

Who can settle a contract dispute?

The Australian courts exercise the power to settle contract disputes. Bringing a dispute to court can be a long and complicated process. Along the way, you may be encouraged to complete a dispute through mediation or arbitration.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does an immigration lawyer cost?

Immigration lawyer costs can be difficult to predict in Australia. The cost of your representation will depend on your lawyer's experience and the expenses involved in the legal services you need.

Do I need to hire an immigration lawyer?

Hiring an immigration lawyer can help you avoid delays that may result from mistakes on your application. You may also need a lawyer if you face serious challenges or penalties. Deportation is possible if you fail to win some legal challenges.

How do I find the right immigration lawyer?

Find the right immigration lawyer by searching the local area for lawyers who offer immigration services. Lawyers who work with immigration typically specialise in this area. Our lawyers are standing by to help you if you need assistance with an immigration.

What does an immigration lawyer do?

An immigration lawyer may help you with all parts of immigrating to Australia. These lawyers may assist you by preparing your application, planning your immigration path, and responding to new queries or rejections from government departments.

What kind of lawyers help immigrants?

Immigrant lawyers help immigrants with the migration process. These lawyers can provide a significant level of support. Our immigration lawyers can help you manage applications, cancellations, and the visas for your situation.

Where can I ask a lawyer immigration questions for free?

If you're speaking for the first time to our immigration lawyers, free consultations are standard. You will pay no upfront costs to discuss your case with a member of our team.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does an immigration lawyer cost?

Immigration lawyer costs can be difficult to predict in Australia. The cost of your representation will depend on your lawyer's experience and the expenses involved in the legal services you need.

Do I need to hire an immigration lawyer?

Hiring an immigration lawyer can help you avoid delays that may result from mistakes on your application. You may also need a lawyer if you face serious challenges or penalties. Deportation is possible if you fail to win some legal challenges.

How do I find the right immigration lawyer?

Find the right immigration lawyer by searching the local area for lawyers who offer immigration services. Lawyers who work with immigration typically specialise in this area. Our lawyers are standing by to help you if you need assistance with an immigration.

What does an immigration lawyer do?

An immigration lawyer may help you with all parts of immigrating to Australia. These lawyers may assist you by preparing your application, planning your immigration path, and responding to new queries or rejections from government departments.

What kind of lawyers help immigrants?

Immigrant lawyers help immigrants with the migration process. These lawyers can provide a significant level of support. Our immigration lawyers can help you manage applications, cancellations, and the visas for your situation.

Where can I ask a lawyer immigration questions for free?

If you're speaking for the first time to our immigration lawyers, free consultations are standard. You will pay no upfront costs to discuss your case with a member of our team.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does a family lawyer cost?

Family lawyer costs often depend on multiple factors. In Australia, lawyers can cost between $200-$600+ an hour. Your personal costs may depend on the assistance you need and the seniority of the lawyer.

What does a family lawyer do?

Family lawyers assist clients with matters involving family law. These lawyers often deal with marriage, divorce, adoption, and child custody. They are often asked to help draft agreements, enforce past agreements, or represent clients in court.

How do I find a good family lawyer?

A good family lawyer will have experience and a commitment to your needs. These lawyers must often carry you through times of conflicting emotions. Our family lawyers are dedicated. Schedule a consultation to learn how we can help.

How much does a divorce lawyer cost?

Divorce lawyers cost a varying amount in Australia. For divorces, it's often a good idea to look at total costs. Government fees apply whether there are conflicts or not. Going to court can significantly increase the costs associated with divorce, especially if there are ongoing conflicts over children or property.

When should I get a divorce lawyer?

You should get a divorce lawyer if you worry the conflicts in a marriage, divorce, or childcare agreement cannot be resolved without experience and expertise.

How much does a custody lawyer cost?

Custody lawyer costs in Australia may depend on the complexity of the cases, and the experience of the lawyer. A lawyer may cost between $200-$600+. However, custody cases may involve bills for support staff and court filing, which can mean significant costs in custody cases.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your assets to be passed on to your descendants when you die. These lawyers will help you develop estate plans, and ensure that assets are passed on the correct beneficiaries after your death.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

How much does a family lawyer cost?

Family lawyer costs often depend on multiple factors. In Australia, lawyers can cost between $200-$600+ an hour. Your personal costs may depend on the assistance you need and the seniority of the lawyer.

What does a family lawyer do?

Family lawyers assist clients with matters involving family law. These lawyers often deal with marriage, divorce, adoption, and child custody. They are often asked to help draft agreements, enforce past agreements, or represent clients in court.

How do I find a good family lawyer?

A good family lawyer will have experience and a commitment to your needs. These lawyers must often carry you through times of conflicting emotions. Our family lawyers are dedicated. Schedule a consultation to learn how we can help.

How much does a divorce lawyer cost?

Divorce lawyers cost a varying amount in Australia. For divorces, it's often a good idea to look at total costs. Government fees apply whether there are conflicts or not. Going to court can significantly increase the costs associated with divorce, especially if there are ongoing conflicts over children or property.

When should I get a divorce lawyer?

You should get a divorce lawyer if you worry the conflicts in a marriage, divorce, or childcare agreement cannot be resolved without experience and expertise.

How much does a custody lawyer cost?

Custody lawyer costs in Australia may depend on the complexity of the cases, and the experience of the lawyer. A lawyer may cost between $200-$600+. However, custody cases may involve bills for support staff and court filing, which can mean significant costs in custody cases.

What does an estate lawyer do?

An estate lawyer helps you prepare your assets to be passed on to your descendants when you die. These lawyers will help you develop estate plans, and ensure that assets are passed on the correct beneficiaries after your death.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What is a criminal lawyer?

A criminal lawyer specialises in the area of criminal law. These lawyers protect your rights when you've been charged with a crime. A criminal lawyer will help you develop a defence, and engage in negotiations with the prosecution when necessary.

How much does a criminal lawyer cost?

A criminal lawyer in Australia can cost between $200 and $600 an hour. The cost you pay for a criminal lawyer will depend on factors such as the complexity of your charges, and the seniority of your lawyer.

Do I need to hire a traffic lawyer?

You should hire a traffic lawyer if you need protection while facing traffic charges. You should protect yourself because Australian traffic penalties can be severe. You may lose your license if convicted of some traffic offences.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost?

A DUI lawyer specialises in criminal charges related to drunk drivers, and they are compensated similarly to other criminal lawyers in Australia. These lawyers are paid between $200-$600 an hour depending on the case and the experience of the lawyer involved.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What is a criminal lawyer?

A criminal lawyer specialises in the area of criminal law. These lawyers protect your rights when you've been charged with a crime. A criminal lawyer will help you develop a defence, and engage in negotiations with the prosecution when necessary.

How much does a criminal lawyer cost?

A criminal lawyer in Australia can cost between $200 and $600 an hour. The cost you pay for a criminal lawyer will depend on factors such as the complexity of your charges, and the seniority of your lawyer.

Do I need to hire a traffic lawyer?

You should hire a traffic lawyer if you need protection while facing traffic charges. You should protect yourself because Australian traffic penalties can be severe. You may lose your license if convicted of some traffic offences.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost?

A DUI lawyer specialises in criminal charges related to drunk drivers, and they are compensated similarly to other criminal lawyers in Australia. These lawyers are paid between $200-$600 an hour depending on the case and the experience of the lawyer involved.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Why should I hire a property lawyer?

You should hire a property lawyer when you want to protect your interests in a property deal or dispute.

How do I choose a property lawyer?

You should choose a property lawyer who has experience in property, is close enough for convenient meetings, and can give your matter the attention it needs. Contact us for a consultation.

What does a property lawyer do?

A property lawyer represents you in property matters. These lawyers will help you negotiate contracts that involve property, review existing contracts, enforce the terms of contracts, and perform other related services.

What does a conveyancing lawyer do?

A conveyancing lawyer assists you with the settlement of property sales. These lawyers can help by liaising between the sellers and your financial institution. A conveyancing lawyer can also assist with other parts of the property-buying process, including inspections and analysis of tax and legal challenges.

How much does a conveyancing lawyer cost?

Conveyancing fees for a conveyance lawyer can cost between $400-$3000. The cost may depend on many factors, including the complexity of the sale, and the experience of the conveyancing lawyer.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

Why should I hire a property lawyer?

You should hire a property lawyer when you want to protect your interests in a property deal or dispute.

How do I choose a property lawyer?

You should choose a property lawyer who has experience in property, is close enough for convenient meetings, and can give your matter the attention it needs. Contact us for a consultation.

What does a property lawyer do?

A property lawyer represents you in property matters. These lawyers will help you negotiate contracts that involve property, review existing contracts, enforce the terms of contracts, and perform other related services.

What does a conveyancing lawyer do?

A conveyancing lawyer assists you with the settlement of property sales. These lawyers can help by liaising between the sellers and your financial institution. A conveyancing lawyer can also assist with other parts of the property-buying process, including inspections and analysis of tax and legal challenges.

How much does a conveyancing lawyer cost?

Conveyancing fees for a conveyance lawyer can cost between $400-$3000. The cost may depend on many factors, including the complexity of the sale, and the experience of the conveyancing lawyer.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a contract lawyer do?

Contract lawyers apply common law to negotiate, enforce, or invalidate contracts. You should speak to a contract lawyer when you want to ensure an agreement, such as an employment contract, is fair to you. They can also help if someone breaches a contract you are party to, or if you are part of a contract with illegal terms.

How much does a contract lawyer cost?

The cost of a contract lawyer depends on the experience of the lawyer and the amount of time it will take them to resolve your contract issue. For an estimation of your costs, you should book a consultation and provide your lawyer with the complete details of your complaint.

What are the legal rights of an employee?

Australian employment law provides legal rights to employees. The Fair Work Act and other industrial relations legislation provides protections from bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Employees also have the right to the correct pay and entitlements from their work. Finally, employees have the right to the training or mentoring necessary to work safely.

How much does an employment lawyer cost?

An employment lawyer can cost between $200-600 an hour. The hourly cost of a lawyer may depend on factors such as the location, reputation of the firm, and the experience of the lawyer.

How do I find an employment lawyer?

You can find an employment lawyer near you in most regions of Australia. Contact your local Law Council to be directed to a lawyer with relevant experience. Our lawyers can assist you with many different employment challenges.

What is intellectual property law in Australia?

Intellectual property law in Australia refers to laws that deal with patents, trademarks and designs. This area of law also governs secret processes and formulae that exist across a range of different industries. You may need an intellectual property lawyer if you are the victim of copyright infringement, or are accused of infringement.

Should I hire a data protection lawyer?

You should consider hiring a data protection lawyer if your digital privacy is violated by a public sector or private sector entity. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provides you with many protections. Speak to a lawyer to learn more about your rights and actions that are considered violations.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a contract lawyer do?

Contract lawyers apply common law to negotiate, enforce, or invalidate contracts. You should speak to a contract lawyer when you want to ensure an agreement, such as an employment contract, is fair to you. They can also help if someone breaches a contract you are party to, or if you are part of a contract with illegal terms.

How much does a contract lawyer cost?

The cost of a contract lawyer depends on the experience of the lawyer and the amount of time it will take them to resolve your contract issue. For an estimation of your costs, you should book a consultation and provide your lawyer with the complete details of your complaint.

What are the legal rights of an employee?

Australian employment law provides legal rights to employees. The Fair Work Act and other industrial relations legislation provides protections from bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Employees also have the right to the correct pay and entitlements from their work. Finally, employees have the right to the training or mentoring necessary to work safely.

How much does an employment lawyer cost?

An employment lawyer can cost between $200-600 an hour. The hourly cost of a lawyer may depend on factors such as the location, reputation of the firm, and the experience of the lawyer.

How do I find an employment lawyer?

You can find an employment lawyer near you in most regions of Australia. Contact your local Law Council to be directed to a lawyer with relevant experience. Our lawyers can assist you with many different employment challenges.

What is intellectual property law in Australia?

Intellectual property law in Australia refers to laws that deal with patents, trademarks and designs. This area of law also governs secret processes and formulae that exist across a range of different industries. You may need an intellectual property lawyer if you are the victim of copyright infringement, or are accused of infringement.

Should I hire a data protection lawyer?

You should consider hiring a data protection lawyer if your digital privacy is violated by a public sector or private sector entity. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provides you with many protections. Speak to a lawyer to learn more about your rights and actions that are considered violations.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a compensation lawyer do?

A compensation lawyer is a legal expert who can help you claim compensation for injuries, harm, or damages that result from another person's negligence. These are considered to be common law claims.

Who are the best compensation lawyers?

The best compensation lawyers are committed to you and your needs. Our lawyers are results-driven, multilingual, and multidisciplinary. We have successfully won claims for clients involved in many types of accidents cases.

Who handles workers compensation claims?

Worker's compensation claims are handled by compensation lawyers. These lawyers work to restore you to the financial position you had before your injury by establishing the cost of your injuries and collecting compensation from your employer.

How do you claim compensation for personal injury?

You can claim personal injury compensation if you have suffered injuries because of another person's actions. In Australia, you can make such claims for any incident that takes place with the country. Any form of injury can be claimed if it can be shown to be the result of negligence or action by another party.

How much can I claim for personal injury?

Australian injury payouts have reached millions of dollars. The payout for each case depends heavily on unique factors (for example, the extent of injuries). You will need to have a lawyer review the details of your case to get an estimate of how much you can claim.

How much compensation will I get for medical negligence?

Medical negligence compensation cases in Australia can involve claims for millions of dollars. You may be awarded large sums if you have experienced serious injuries, disability, or other problems because of medical negligence. Speak to a lawyer to learn about medical negligence cases that may be related to your case.

How much compensation can I get for car accidents?

Car accident compensation payouts can be large due to the potential for catastrophic injuries. Payouts in these cases may need to be large enough to compensate you for reduced mobility or the inability to work in your field again.

What will it cost me?

There are no initial upfront costs. You can come for your initial consultation and discuss your case with a member of our team free of charge. From there we will be able to determine the scope of the work and provide you with the best and fairest price for the services.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your cost expectations.

Why choose State Law Group?

Having the right lawyers on your team vital. We pride ourselves in our ability to empower, guide and prepare our clients for the challenges ahead. Reduce your stress and focus on the important things in your life, with us by your side.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to speak to one of our lawyers.

How does payment work?

Payment is simple. We accept cash, credit cards, and eftpos.

Payment plans are available on a case by case basis and will need to be approved.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to learn more about your payment options.

English is not my first language, can you help me?

Our strength has always been in serving our local communities and this often meant helping our clients navigate the legal process in a language they are not fluent in.

At State Law Group we have a multicultural team of expert lawyers that can speak to you in English, Assyrian, Arabic, Chaldean, Greek, Hindi, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Call us today (1300 011 149) to let us know your language preferences so that our team can best serve you in the language you prefer.

What does a compensation lawyer do?

A compensation lawyer is a legal expert who can help you claim compensation for injuries, harm, or damages that result from another person's negligence. These are considered to be common law claims.

Who are the best compensation lawyers?

The best compensation lawyers are committed to you and your needs. Our lawyers are results-driven, multilingual, and multidisciplinary. We have successfully won claims for clients involved in many types of accidents cases.

Who handles workers compensation claims?

Worker's compensation claims are handled by compensation lawyers. These lawyers work to restore you to the financial position you had before your injury by establishing the cost of your injuries and collecting compensation from your employer.

How do you claim compensation for personal injury?

You can claim personal injury compensation if you have suffered injuries because of another person's actions. In Australia, you can make such claims for any incident that takes place with the country. Any form of injury can be claimed if it can be shown to be the result of negligence or action by another party.

How much can I claim for personal injury?

Australian injury payouts have reached millions of dollars. The payout for each case depends heavily on unique factors (for example, the extent of injuries). You will need to have a lawyer review the details of your case to get an estimate of how much you can claim.

How much compensation will I get for medical negligence?

Medical negligence compensation cases in Australia can involve claims for millions of dollars. You may be awarded large sums if you have experienced serious injuries, disability, or other problems because of medical negligence. Speak to a lawyer to learn about medical negligence cases that may be related to your case.

How much compensation can I get for car accidents?

Car accident compensation payouts can be large due to the potential for catastrophic injuries. Payouts in these cases may need to be large enough to compensate you for reduced mobility or the inability to work in your field again.